Seasonal Gifts

I love Autumn. It is absolutely my favourite season.

I love the way the weather changes and the way the light is different.

I love the colours of the trees and the way the leaves let go to allow the tree to store energy and prepare for new growth next spring.

I love sweeping my path with a hazel broom.

I love dark nights by the fire with my knitting. I love wearing my knitting and being all snuggly.

I love roast dinners and casseroles with hot sticky puddings.

I love pots of coffee with home made biscuits for elevenses.

I've been poorly. In the past 5 weeks I've had two colds (one I think may have been closer to the flu), a chest infection, a cough and my asthma has made it challenging to talk, move and of course breath. I've been off work and slept a lot. I've managed to knit and read books. I've not been out of the house much.

Last weekend as I walked into a petrol station I had a horrible coughing fit. The beautiful, serene and wise young woman behind the counter gave me a huge nurturing and understanding smile and said:

"I see you are blessed with a seasonal gift"


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