I like rituals - not routine but ritual. I think there is a significant difference. Having a cup of tea at 10.30am every day may be routine but if done mindfully with purpose I think it's a ritual.

When I warm the pot and pour the tea at 10.30am everyday I think of Dalesman who is doing the same wherever he's working that day. I think of Dalesboy stuck in a school lesson 'not allowed' to have a drink. I think of my friends and the visitors at Findhorn where the whole community stops at 10.30am for tea and biscuits. I think of people all over the world not able to have the luxuary of choosing to take a break. I drink my tea and think of peace, pray for forgiveness and mindfulness.

I am not alone at work with my 10.30 ritual. Matilda makes a pot of real coffee every morning - it is also a ritual for her. I find that ritual is even more significant with nice things - a china tea pot and handthrown mug, a handknitted cozy...............

I hope Matilda likes it.


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