Last Days

Today is my last day at my current job. I turned up as a temp for 3 weeks and stayed 2 1/2 years. It's a great job, 15 minutes from home, there are plentiful harvests of sloes and elderberries just outside the office window, the people are lovely and the systems and procedures just complicated enough to stop complete boredom - and it's time to leave (I feel like Mary Poppins!!!)

My angel card for this week is integrity and until today I wasn't sure why. I'm leaving because of changes that mean I was being asked to work in a way that meant I wasn't able to do my best. I'm leaving because I don't like to play 'playground politics'. I'm leaving because..................the time is right.

I've enjoyed my time there. I've met some great people and made some wonderful friends. Now I must go there for the last time, do my thing and log off for the final time. Last days - a time for reflection.


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