Lovely Things

The last few weeks some wonderful things have been happening.

Firstly a beautiful basket was gifted to me from the kind people at   I have three of their baskets now and I love every one of them.  There is the basket that is at my side during antenatal classes and births.  There is the basket that comes out and about with me that looks after my knitting, fruit, diary, book, more knitting, hair slides etc.  These are now joined by the basket for odds and ends, knitting odds and ends of course.

Dalesboy started in the sixth form........

We made jam.........

I knitted hexipuffs with a friend......

These are a few of my favourite things from the last few weeks.  It helps I find to focus on the positive.


yum to both your lovely new basket and of course that Jam!

and oh my your big boy looks so grown up! and with you looking so YOUNG how do you do it!

Toni x

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